Eric Walton, 100, revisits Newcastle war factory.
Former engineer Eric is going back to the Scotswood Road site in Newcastle where he worked as a young lad to reminisce about the good old days.
Eric was employed at Vickers Armstrong decades ago. He started work there at the age of 20 and was there for eight years.
Staff at Eothen, Gosforth, where Eric now lives, put the wheels in motion after hearing Eric’s stories from years gone by.
They got on the phone to bosses at ADM Pressings Ltd, which originally made press tools as a division of Vickers Armstrong and now makes car parts, and still occupies the Scotswood Road site.
Eric, who worked on repairing and building the 16 inch guns during the Second World War, said: “I understand there will be a lot of changes but I am blessed to be given the opportunity to go back there before I die.
“I will wear my dad’s World War One medals when I go and take my card given to me by the Queen when I turned 100 to show them.”
Julie Robinson, home manager, said: “Eric worked at Armstrong Vickers as a young man and he has very fond memories. Eric likes to reminisce and management at ADM Pressings were only too pleased to offer him a tour around the factory.”
Managing director Andy Wingfield said: “We are very conscious of the history of the business and we are very proud of that heritage. We have a number of employees who come back and visit us and we hope Eric will enjoy his day and see the industry thriving in the North East.”
The tour will take place on January 29. Vickers’ memorabilia still remains on the site which will be shown to Eric.